Google Maps Street View now includes 220 billion photos in 100 countries after 15 years, majority of which were captured after the function launched in 2007. By choosing “See more dates” on the Google Maps app, users can now view how locations have evolved over time. Open the app and use Street View at an area to investigate it. To see additional information about a location, tap anywhere on the image to see a pop-up menu. There should be a “See more dates” option next to the time it was taken. You can choose multiple dates, starting in 2007, when Google published a Street View image by tapping on it. We have mentioned steps below to Go Back in Time on Google Maps

Steps to Go Back in Time on Google Maps

Final Words

We hope like our article on how to Go Back in Time on Google Maps. While the historical imagery tool in Google Earth is quite capable, Google Maps also has some cool capabilities, like the ability to travel back in time, that are useful. Google has been monitoring our streets for more than ten years, so it has gathered enough information to show how a spot has genuinely changed.

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