How to Grant Temporary Permissions to Any Android App – Guide

Most of the time, we install apps that we don’t want to use more than once or twice. If you don’t know, these apps better not give persistent access to your phone’s as you do not intend to use them persistently. Fortunately, Android allows you to offer unique permissions, making it impossible to track you with them if apps are idle on your smartphone. In fact, these temporary permissions, available to phones running Android 11 and later can be used for important permissions such as camera and GPS. However, if you’re using an older version of Android, there’s a brilliant third-party app called Bouncer that lets you set up unique permissions. Mobile phones are popular devices that can be very useful and support us in different ways. Despite not being an essential good, even a simple material can alleviate many problems and facilitate activities. As we all know, different apps with different specializations are available to perform a variety of tasks. Whether for entertainment, communication, file storage, work or other actions, smartphones can be used efficiently. And the best part is its portability. However, an often overlooked part of an app is the app’s permissions.

Grant temporary permission to apps with Bouncer

Bouncer is a simple Android app currently in beta that allows you to grant temporary permissions to Android apps. When you start using it, you’ll need to enable an accessibility service for Bouncer to do its job. In case this sounds dishonest, Bouncer explains on its app page that it doesn’t ask for permissions; nor has permission to access the internet. Bouncer power comes automatically to toggle permissions. When an app asks for a permission and you grant it, Bouncer shows a notification asking if you want to revoke it later. Select Keep to keep the permission enabled. If you select Remove, Bouncer will automatically open the app settings after closing it and revoking the permission. Scheduling allows you to do the same, but with a delay. You can also use Bouncer to browse sensitive permissions apps use on your device. Scroll through all apps or browse permissions like camera or location. Tap an app to see the permissions you’ve granted it. When you select a permission, Bouncer will ask if you want to remove it. Confirm this and it will automate the process right in front of you. In Bouncer, click the Settings gear to adjust some options. You can choose how long to wait by default before the app asks for permission, block the notification so you don’t miss it, and choose to remember your choices for next time. Bouncer gives you more control over permissions. Now you can leave apps installed and deny all permissions, grant them as you use them, and automatically remove them right away. It is a good solution for social media apps.

Final note

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