How to Have Alexa Count the Days to an Event – Guide

Are you looking forward to your birthday in a few weeks?! Alexa won’t let you forget. Ask your Echo device to set up a date, and will keep you informed of how many days are left for that event. Whether it’s a holiday, a retirement date, or even a birthday (for men), Alexa will help you remember. Alexa could be your favorite assistant for smart home control, but it can do much more. Blueprints lets you create your own skill, like letting Alexa count the days until an event. Perhaps you are looking forward to the start of your trip, your wedding anniversary or an important anniversary. You don’t have to scour the Skill Store for a third-party tool. Just choose the How many days template, edit it and Alexa will tell you how many days are left.

How to Have Alexa count the days to an event

Create and customize how many days

Customize the skill

Final note

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