How to Hide All Desktop Icons on Mac – Guide

Some people love to keep their Mac desktop tidy, while others don’t mind having all their files on their desktop. If you belong to the old group of people, you will find this article useful. Having files on your desktop will make it easier for you to find them super fast, but they can stack up and mess up the space. One way to deal with the clutter is to simply hide files on the desktop. Doing this means the screen will be clean, but the files will always be there, just not visible to you. Here are some tips and tricks about How to hide desktop icons on your Mac. We will use a third-party application that can perform this action in a single click, similar to Hide Desktop feature found on Windows computers. Here we show you how to hide files, folders and icons on Mac desktop and Finder.

Using Terminal to hide desktop icons

Redisplaying icons on the desktop

Using Finder to Hide Device Icons

Make sure you are inside a Finder window. If you’re on the desktop, you’re already there.

Final note

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