How to Hide Insta­gram Sto­ry from Every­one Except One Person – Guide

You’re a very private person, and while you’ve embraced the latest web trends by signing up for Instagram, you’re annoyed that everyone who follows you can see the content you post in Stories. So you want to adjust your account privacy and know more accurately if there’s a way to hide Instagram stories from everyone. Don’t worry anyway, I guarantee you will succeed in your attempt. Of course, it must be said that hiding your stories from all users is a bit contradictory, as Instagram’s goal, like any other social network, is to interact and share with other people. However, if you like, you can hide the posted stories so that some users won’t see them, or you can make the stories visible only to people you choose. To regulate account privacy, you can keep your profile private or block users who annoy you.

Methods to hide the Instagram story from everyone but one person are mentioned below

Apply option Hide story

Apply Close Friends List

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to Hide Insta­gram Sto­ry from Every­one Except One Person. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.

How to Hide Insta gram Sto ry from Every one Except One Person  2022  - 11How to Hide Insta gram Sto ry from Every one Except One Person  2022  - 10How to Hide Insta gram Sto ry from Every one Except One Person  2022  - 16How to Hide Insta gram Sto ry from Every one Except One Person  2022  - 76