How to Hide Instagram Stories from Someone – Guide

Instagram released a story feature a few years ago this allowed his followers to see his story. Depending on your privacy settings, your followers will be able to see your story or your story will be visible to the general public. Because some people want to limit who can see their stories and make certain things private so other people can’t see them, Instagram has allowed people to hide their stories from specific followers. However, if you don’t want anyone to see your story unless they follow you, you might be wondering if it’s possible as it’s pretty clear how to hide your story from someone who follows you. Hiding your story from someone who isn’t following you can be useful when you don’t want to block them and don’t want them to be able to follow you and see your stories. If you have a public account and don’t want to make it private, it’s helpful to know how to hide your story from someone who is not following you.

How to Hide someone’s Instagram stories

How to Hide someone’s Instagram stories

To hide it from a specific non-follower, follow these steps:

How to hide your Instagram stories from a group of users

Final note

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