How to hide last seen on Facebook chat – Guide

Facebook and WhatsApp have the same feature to show Last Seen in chats and messages, but newer versions of WhatsApp have a button which disables the last seen feature but like Facebook doesn’t have one button. Many people want to hide the status of their last active Facebook account seen for privacy reasons. Because the feature shows your friends and family when you were last active on the site. Furthermore, the same feature is available in Facebook Messenger app, showing your friends your active status but if you are not interested in interacting with friends in chat. Now it’s no secret that targeted advertising is the name of the game. Everything from face-to-face conversations, page likes, and even Google searches are used to direct you to specific products you might want to buy. Despite all the public outrage over how Facebook works, few changes have been made. Users still have very little control over their privacy settings. For many, having a Facebook account is now part of being online, as is having your own email address. And because Facebook is so popular, other sites have worked to integrate Facebook. This means that you can use a single Facebook account to log in to multiple services on the web.

How to Hide Last Seen in Facebook Chat

on the desktop

Facebook is in the midst of a major update and redesign of its desktop site, slowly rolling out to users over the next few weeks. Depending on your version of Facebook, turning off Active Status in Messenger may vary depending on whether or not you have already received the new version of Facebook. For those on the old version of Facebook Messenger, look for the settings icon at the bottom right, click on it and select Disable Active Status. Facebook will give you the option to control how your active status is turned off, so you can choose to turn it off for specific people or just turn it off altogether. The new version of Facebook uses the same menu, but getting there is a little different. Look for the three-dot menu icon in the upper-right corner and select Disable Active Status. Select the desired option and click OK. However, you are not finished yet. If you use Facebook on other platforms such as your phone, you will need to deactivate it as well.

In Mobile

If you also use Facebook Messenger on your phone, you will need to go to the Messenger app to disable the active status as well. Fortunately, after Messenger’s latest revamp, it’s super easy. Open the app and look for your profile icon in the upper left corner of the screen. Click on its icon and look for “Active Status” below the option for dark mode. Tap that option and slide the switch to disable. Unlike the desktop, you won’t have the option to control how your active status works; it is purely an on or off setting. Slide it out and you’re good to go. Remember to repeat the process for any device that Messenger is installed on. The only downside to doing this is that you may also be preventing yourself from checking the ‘last active’ status of your offline friends.

Final note

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