How to Hide Notification Badges on Mac – Guide

The “Mac” moniker refers to the line of Macintosh computers manufactured by Apple Inc. since 1984. With its first model, Apple is widely credited with starting the trend of making computers easy to use for everyday people and promoting the idea that everyone may find a computer useful. Macs are particularly popular with graphic and web designers. Badges are those app notifications that show you something is waiting for you, maybe a to-do list item or maybe you have a new email. Badges can be useful sometimes. Other times they can be really annoying. How to disable them. I have to admit that I find badge notifications really annoying. Sometimes they are really useful, and I leave them for most things. But sometimes they drive me to despair. I can’t stand to see an app icon with a red number looking at me, a reminder of unfinished work, or something I need to do. There are sometimes good reasons why these articles have been left unfinished or unanswered, and I’m tired of my apps passively reminding me that they’re still waiting for me! That’s why I disable notification badges that annoy me.

How to Hide Red Badge Updates Icon from System Preferences on MacOS

Disabling the red refresh badge from the System Preferences icon involves using Terminal, if you are not comfortable with the command line it is best to avoid using these commands as they are for advanced Mac users.

Final note

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