How to Hide Title Bar in Vertical Tabs Mode on Microsoft Edge – Guide

Microsoft recently added new functionality to vertical tabs, first support for tab resizing and then support for tab groups. Tab groups, which Microsoft will also introduce in Edge 93, group tabs. While this works fine when the guides are displayed horizontally, it works even better when the guides are displayed vertically. The main reason for this is that vertical guides show more guides on the screen without scrolling. This, in turn, facilitates operations like drag and drop or finding tabs or groups. The vertical guide, also known as side guides, has proven its worth for better user accessibility. Therefore, many users are looking for an option to remove their webpage title bar. It’s a great feature added to the Microsoft Edge browser by moving the title bar to the left side of the webpage. Previously, vertical guides did not have as much of a space saving effect as Edge displayed a title bar when vertical guides were enabled. Work on an option to hide the title bar began in March on development versions of Edge. Starting with Edge 93 Stable, all users have the option to hide the title bar when displaying vertical guides in Edge.

Hide the title bar with vertical guides on the border

If you want to hide the title bar with vertical tabs in Edge browser, follow the suggestions below: To get started, open the latest version of the Microsoft Edge browser installed on your computer. from this feature is only available in the latest version, so you need to update your Microsoft Edge browser before following these steps.

Type the text code below into the address bar and press Enter:

A new window will open with several options. Now click on the dropdown menu next to the “Vertical” tab to enable the option to hide the bar and toggle it to “On”. Then select Restart Browser so that it takes effect the next time you open your browser. The vertical guide option is then enabled in the guide options.

Final note

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