How to host and start a Spotify session with friends – Guide

Spotify has been offering the breakouts function to users since May 2020. Breakouts are limited to those using Spotify Premium and allow users to create collaborative music sessions where multiple users can listen to the same playlist at the same time. Each player in the group has the ability to control playback and volume. Almost a year later, the feature is still in beta, but works well enough for most people. If you’d like to try Spotify’s breakout sessions with your friends too, you can get started with a few simple steps. O feature it can also be useful when you are thousands of miles away from your friends and want the team to hear the same song at the same time. How it works? how do i define up and host Spotify breakout sessions with friends? How do I end the breakout session? The breakout session is currently only available to premium subscribers. The functionality is accessible through Spotify mobile and tablet app. There is no word on how to make the group meeting feature available on your desktop or in the Spotify web app.

Steps for hosting a Spotify group session with friends are provided below:

To control music together, you need to create a group session and ask your friends to join the group to play and control music. Follow the steps below to host a Spotify breakout session.

breakout controls

Final note

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How to host and start a Spotify session with friends  2022  - 50How to host and start a Spotify session with friends  2022  - 12How to host and start a Spotify session with friends  2022  - 78How to host and start a Spotify session with friends  2022  - 29