How to improve the performance of your Windows 10 – Guide

If your PC is running slowly, the suggestions below can help speed things up up. O tips are listed in order, so start with the first one, see if it helps, and then continue with the next one if it doesn’t. Although Windows 10 is a fast system (especially on modern hardware), at some point, performance will start to degrade as a result of many factors, including compatibility issues and bugs, viruses or other malware, hardware issues, and much more. most. If you notice that your device is getting slower, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to replace it right away. A few simple software and hardware tweaks can speed up significantly up the Windows 10 experience. In this Windows 10 guide, we’ll show you 20 ways to try to speed up up, optimize and improve your computer’s performance – whether it has an older or modern hardware configuration.

To check How to boost up the performance of your Windows 10 PC

Although Windows 10 is a fast system (especially on modern hardware), at some point, performance will start to drop as a result of many factors, including compatibility and bug issues, viruses or other malware, hardware issues, and more. . If you notice that your device is getting slower, it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to replace it right away. A few simple software and hardware tweaks can speed up significantly up the Windows 10 experience. In this Windows 10 guide, we’ll show you How to try to speed up up, optimize and improve your computer’s performance, whether you have an older or modern hardware configuration. reboot device

reboot device

While it may be obvious, it’s not the first thing that comes to everyone’s mind, but shutting down and restarting your device is one of the first things on the list you want to do to improve the overall experience. When you shut down or restart, the system closes all running applications and processes. And data stored in memory will be erased, which should help solve the most common performance issues caused by keeping the operating system running for too long. To turn off and restart the device, follow these steps:

Disable startup applications

Many applications can be configured to automatically start at startup and continue to run in the background, wasting valuable system resources that can significantly slow down the experience. if you want to speed up up Windows 10, you need to disable all those apps that run at startup or those that you don’t use regularly. To disable applications at Windows 10 startup, follow these steps:

Disable restart applications on startup

Windows 10 has a feature which can restart apps from your last session after restarting, even before logging in. Although this is useful feature it can speed up up the choice process up where you left off quickly, it can also affect system performance. . If the application that restarts on startup is enabled, you can disable it with these steps:

Disable background apps

On Windows 10, certain applications may continue to perform background tasks even when used. if you want to speed up up your device, as much as possible, you can decide which apps can run in the background or disable the feature to lock all apps. To prevent apps from running in the background, follow these steps:

Uninstall non-essential apps

New devices often come with a lot of applications you don’t need, including the usual bloatware and system tools you’ll never use that just waste hard drive space and resources. When trying to increase system performance, you should always remove non-essential applications. To uninstall non-essential apps on Windows 10, follow these steps: From the news

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to improve the performance of your Windows 10. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.

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