How to Increase Instagram Followers – Guide

This tool lets you schedule, manage, and schedule your posts from one dashboard. Here are the steps to start using the tool easily. With Combin, you log in to your Instagram page (or business profile), add new Instagram posts, add the post description and relevant hashtags, tag your location, and set a date and time for the post. By scheduling posts, you can regularly interact with your Instagram audience, which will help improve your follower growth over time. Gone are the days of shortcuts like buying followers or using bots. Those tricks may increase your follower count for a short period of time, but they won’t do you any favors in the long run. Then radio silence. Or a few likes and comments from a handful of followers. But how do you get more Instagram followers if you don’t post great content? That’s because the only truly valuable Instagram followers are real people who care about and are engaged with your brand. The wrong follower count might boost your ego, but it won’t help your Instagram strategy.

Avoid fake followers and likes

However, a profile with no content and thousands of followers automatically reduces the credibility of the account. Instagram’s algorithm changes frequently, resulting in the elimination of paid accounts and low-quality interactions. People don’t understand that follower count makes no difference as engagement on your post and account visits are more important.

Optimizing your Instagram account

Before embarking on your path to popularity and gaining more followers, it is important to have an attractive profile that can attract more followers. Also, you need an interesting bio that gives visitors an idea of ​​the main purpose of your profile. For example, if the account is used for business purposes, it is important to mention it directly in your bio. A proper username and profile picture also play an important role in lending your profile and identity. Using hashtags and links also raises your profile up a point or two and makes your content visible to audiences searching for specific keywords.

Post according to the calendar

Spamming followers with too many posts a day or not posting anything can lead to loss of followers. That’s why it’s important to engage your audience and followers with your posts and publish daily and feed your followers with content. It is estimated that nearly 200 million users regularly log into their Instagram accounts. So, to get noticed, you must perform an action on your profile two or three times a day.

Final note

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