How to Insert MS Outlook Contact in Word – Guide

Many Microsoft Word documents contain contact information – at least a name and address. If this contact information is stored in Outlook, you can avoid some problems by using the Outlook address book in Word to enter the name and address. You may need to format the pasted information in some way, but you don’t have to search up information, write it down on a piece of paper and manually type it into the Word document. Using the address book also eliminates the possibility of typos (unless the contact information in Outlook contains a typo). In this article, I show you how to add Address Book to Word’s DeepL Access Toolbar so you can quickly insert contact information into a Word document. If you use Outlook, you’re probably familiar with Address Book. It’s easily accessible, and with a quick click, you have instant access to contact information. It makes sense to have this information readily available in Outlook. After all, it’s an email app. I’ve often thought that quick access to addresses should also be available in Word, as many Word documents contain contact names and their addresses. Unfortunately, the address book is not available in Word, at least not as a built-in feature. However, you can add it.

How to Insert Outlook Contacts into a Word Document

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