As an alternative to phpMyAdmin, Adminer was developed. It is written in PHP and is given under the Apache License. Open-source Ubuntu tools serve as substitutes for several kinds of licensed items. Ubuntu is a South African word that means sharing and community. One of the differences with Ubuntu Server is that the installation process now uses a character-based interface rather than a graphical one, among other interface modifications. The user has the option to alter these. The system is interoperable with a wide range of systems, including VMware ESX server and Microsoft Hyper-V. Setting up a basic home network with Ubuntu Server can be straightforward and convenient. The ability to give “super user” responsibilities to make network administration simpler is another feature of Ubuntu Server, as doing so with the original edition can be more difficult or time-consuming. We mentioned below are the steps to Install Adminer database admin tool on Ubuntu Server 22.04.

Steps to Install Adminer database admin tool on Ubuntu Server 22.04

Install MySQL

Step 1: Going to demonstrate Adminer with the MySQL database. Just to make sure we get everything installed, we’ll go the route of the full LAMP stack (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) by running the command: Step 2: After the installation completes, start and enable the MySQL and Apache services with the following commands: Step 3: Next, secure the MySQL installation and give the admin user a password with the command: Step 4: Now, we can create a link to the Apache configuration file with the command: Step 5: Restart Apache with:

Access the Adminer web interface

Step 1: That is all there is to the installation, believe it or not. Nevertheless, you are unable to get in using your MySQL admin credentials. You must instead establish a different user with the ability to build databases. To do that, log into the MySQL console with the command: Step 2: Create a new user (we’ll call it dbadmin, but you can name it whatever you like) with the command: Step 3: Where PASSWORD is a strong/unique password. Step 4: Give the user reload on global rights with: Step 5: Grant the necessary rights with: Step 6: Do notice, in the above command, on either side of db are backticks and not single quotes. If you run the command with single quotes there, it will error out. Step 7: Finally, grant the user create privileges with: Step 8: Flush privileges and exit with: Step 9: You can now point a web browser to http://SERVER/adminer, where SERVER is the IP address of the hosting server, and be greeted by the Adminer login window. Step 10: At this point, you should be able to create and modify databases to your admin heart’s desire.

Final Words

We hope you like our article on how to Install Adminer database admin tool on Ubuntu Server 22.04. One of the most well-known technologies in the current big data ecosystem is MySQL. Given that MySQL is sometimes referred to as the most popular database and is currently being used widely and successfully across all industries, it is obvious that anyone working with enterprise data or general IT should at the very least strive to become something familiar with MySQL.

How to Install Adminer database admin tool on Ubuntu Server 22 04 - 88How to Install Adminer database admin tool on Ubuntu Server 22 04 - 21How to Install Adminer database admin tool on Ubuntu Server 22 04 - 56How to Install Adminer database admin tool on Ubuntu Server 22 04 - 97