How to Install Kali Linux Tools on Windows PC – Guide

Recently, Kali Linux was released as an app on the Microsoft Store. Using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Compatibility Layer, it is now possible to install Kali in a Windows environment. WSL is a feature in Windows 10 that allows users to run Linux-native command-line tools, Bash, and other tools that were not previously available. Designed primarily for developers, the feature adds versatility to Windows 10 and provides an alternative to virtualization. Below are detailed instructions on how to get WSL Kali up and running.

How to install Kali Linux tools on Windows PC

Enabling the Windows Subsystem for Linux

Installing Kali Linux from the Microsoft App Store

Context up the Kali Linux Subsystem

Updating Kali Linux and Installing the Tools

sudo apt-get install metasploit-framework

If you want to install git, type “sudo apt-get install git”. Likewise, if you want to install python3, type “sudo apt-get install python3”. To install any software available in the current repository, simply type the command “sudo apt-get install SOFTWARE_NAME” and press Enter. The installation process will take some time, so be patient and let the program install.

Final note

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