How To Install Laravel on Rocky linux 8 – Guide

Laravel is an open source PHP framework that is robust and easy to understand. It follows a model-view-controller design pattern. Laravel reuses existing components from various frameworks, which helps in building a web application. The web application developed in this way is more structured and pragmatic. Laravel offers a wide range of features which include the basics features from PHP frameworks like CodeIgniter, Yii and other programming languages ​​like Ruby on Rails. Laravel has a variety of features that increase the speed of web development. If you are familiar with Core PHP and Advanced PHP, Laravel will make your job easier. It saves a lot of time if you plan to develop a website from scratch. Also, a website created with Laravel is safe and protects against various attacks on the web. Laravel also ensures the security of the app. So all these features can speed up web development for you. If you are familiar with intermediate PHP scripts and PHP basics, Laravel can prepare your work more efficiently. In this article we will show you how to install Laravel PHP Framework on Rocky Linux 8.

Install Laravel on Rocky Linux 8

Final note

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