How to Install Steam Skins on your Windows 10 PC – Guide

New Steam skins can be easily found online when you are looking for Steam skins to download. There are many websites where you can find them, but if you are looking for skins, you should be careful about the files you download. If a site looks suspicious to you, it’s best to avoid it. Especially if you download a file that doesn’t look right or ask you to download things you don’t want. The default dark blue background you usually see when you open Steam isn’t bad, but you might wonder if you can change it. If you haven’t looked much at the other Steam sites features, you may not know that you can download and use different skins from Steam. If you use Steam often, changing the skin is a great way to unify your work environment and make a nice change from the default Steam skin. Downloading and installing a new skin from Steam can be a little tricky, but if you follow these instructions, you should be able to install and use your new skin with Steam in no time.

How to download and install Steam skins on your Windows PC

In order for you to take full advantage of what Steam skins have to offer, you should first download one or more to your Windows 11/10 computer as soon as possible. We suggest visiting, a great site that offers excellent skins for their Steam client.

After visiting the site, you should click on the Popular tab to see all the top skins used by most people. At the moment, the main Skin is Metro, and it has already secured this position for some time. There are other popular skins, so choose the one that speaks to you, or just choose a not-so-popular skin. The choice is always yours, of course. Have in mind; you can choose from Anime, Clean, Colors, Dark, Light and Soft.

Select and download a skin

OK, so the next step is to choose your preferred skin and select it.

Create a Skin folder and extract files

Now, before you can play around with your newly downloaded skin, you will need to create a specific folder. Navigate to C:Program Files (x86)Steam and from there create a new folder called skins. Once this is done, you must return to the skin you recently downloaded and extract the items from the .zip file. The extracted files should be copied and pasted into the skins folder immediately. Finally, delete the .zip folder if desired.

Add skin in Steam settings area

After moving all the files to the skins folder, now it’s time to shoot up the Steam client. Once this is done, click on Steam > Settings. In the sidebar, click Interface. From there, look for the section that says, “Select the skin you want Steam to use.” From the drop-down menu, select your Skin from the list. After confirmation, Steam will restart and you will immediately see your new Skin in action.

Final note

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