Guide: How to Install Win­dows 10 on Mac with Boot Camp

There are two types of people in this world: Mac and PC. Both sides come up with compelling arguments why the operating system is better within each so that the battle lines are clear. But what if you want to run specific applications on your Mac that are not compatible? What about those who love the design of a Mac but hate the operating system? The answer is simple: install Windows 10. Here it is how to do it with an Intel based Mac. However, there is a caveat to these instructions: if you have a new M1 Mac, you cannot use Windows through Bootcamp. Companies like Parallels say they are working on an updated version of their software that will allow M1 users to run Windows through a virtual machine.

Here’s What You Should Know

If you’re not going to read everything, here are the tips what you should pay attention to.

Get started with Boot Camp

The Boot Camp Assistant app itself will help you create the bootable USB drive for Windows 10. Bring up Spotlight, type Boot Camp Assistant and select the app. Or find it in the utility folder in Applications.

Install Windows 10

Your Mac will boot up now and you will see the Windows 10 symbol with a progress bar. After a while, you will see the Windows Setup screen which strangely still inherits the Windows 7 theme. That is it. Windows starts installing the operating system. It will boot up a few times, but don’t worry about that.

Institution Up Windows 10

Once Windows 10 is installed, it will boot up and you will be asked to go through some settings. Click Use quick settings or click Customize settings. But we are not done yet. Installing drivers is left. Fortunately, you don’t have to do anything here. The Boot Camp helper app will be launched automatically. That’s it, Windows 10 is now set up upGo to the Windows Store app and sign in with your Microsoft ID. If you don’t have one, create it. You need it to use Awesome features like Cortana.

How to Install Win­dows 10 on Mac with Boot Camp: benefits


Final note

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