How to Integrate Google Lens into Chrome – Guide

Google Chrome Experimental features they are very diverse and interesting, so many that those that are almost certainly useful for our everyday life are forgotten. To access them, just type a command in the address bar and activate one of the many available. One of the interesting options is the integration of Google Lens in Google Chrome. To do this we have to activate it on the flags and we can see more than one image or photo. Lens is a Google service that has earned the respect of many because it is very functional. Although it is experimental, it works perfectly when used in Google Chrome, remember that if you activate it, you will always have it for what you need in terms of images. Google Lens has been around since 2017 and many already use this well-known application. Many people work with numerous photos, for this reason, it is recommended to enable it to use Google Chrome by default on Android OS. Google Lens can also solve more things, including equations, but it’s not the only operation of this application from the Mountain View company.

How to integrate Google Lens with Chrome

Final note

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