Guide: How to keep iTunes Purchases Private

Since its launch in 2003, the iTunes Store has been a great place to find and purchase digital content, and as the store grew over time from music, TV shows, movies, and more, there are plenty of options for users to to grow their libraries of digital content. For example, Apple regularly offers free downloads of television pilot episodes and behind-the-scenes documentaries, and the company also makes it easy to get a taste of a new show by allowing the purchase of individual episodes of TV series before the full seasons take place. . However, this flexibility means that many iTunes users now have huge digital libraries full of things they don’t want, but thanks to Apple’s “iTunes in the Cloud” infrastructure, you can still see these purchases even if they aren’t currently downloaded to your Mac or PC. Here is how to hide these unwanted TV shows and movies from your iTunes library as well how to get them back if you change your mind. to illustrate the process of how to Hide iTunes purchases, we’ll use TV show download in our description and screenshots, but keep in mind that these steps also work for other iTunes content, such as movies and music. As for our example, our iTunes TV Show library is packed with years of purchases, but the shows we want to focus on are surrounded by lots of one-time downloads, such as free promotions, old sporting events, and shows we’ve tried and didn’t like from. An example is 2007 Major League Baseball Home Spin Derby, a download we’re sure we enjoyed eight years ago, but something we probably won’t see again. That’s why we hide it in our iTunes library so that we can focus on the shows and content we really want to watch right now.The first step is to delete the show from our local Mac or PC if it has already been downloaded. To do this, just select it in iTunes and hit remove key on your keyboard (the Backspace key also works for Windows users), or right-click on the item and choose remove from the menu. iTunes will ask you to confirm the decision and then ask if you just want to delete the file from iTunes or delete it from your drive as well. Make your selection as desired (most users will want to delete the file from their disk to save space). The file has now been deleted from your Mac or PC storage drive, but you may be surprised to learn that it is still listed in iTunes. This is thanks to Apple’s iTunes in the Cloud service, which allows users to view all of their purchased content without actually having to download it. This is great overall but can be annoying when dealing with unwanted content like we are here.

Note: If you don’t see the file you just deleted, iTunes may be configured to hide cloud purchases. You can change this behavior by going to View> All My TV Shows (or movies, music, etc., depending on the type of content you are working with). You can easily distinguish between downloaded and cloud-based content by looking for the small cloud icon next to the file.So the file is now off our hard drive, which is good, but is still listed in our iTunes content library, which is bad. To hide it permanently, select the file again and press again remove (or Backspace) on your keyboard. This time, iTunes will ask if you want to hide the content. Select Hide TV show (or Movie, Song, etc.) and this time the content will disappear, leaving you with a slightly cleaner iTunes library. You can now go ahead and repeat these steps for any remaining content you want to hide in your library.But what if you get a little overzealous and accidentally hide something, or decide a few months later that you really want those Days of Our Lives episodes you bought drunk last Valentine’s Day? Fortunately, there is a quick way to recover hidden iTunes purchases at any time. To do this, click on your name in the iTunes title bar and select Account Info. Enter your account password when prompted and find the Hidden purchases section under ‘iTunes in the Cloud’. Click Management.Here you will see a list of all the songs, movies, TV shows and other iTunes content that you have hidden. Find the item you want to restore and click View. The item will immediately reappear in your iTunes Cloud library and you can stream or redownload it as you wish.

How to keep iTunes Purchases Private: benefits


Final note

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