How to keep WhatsApp chats hack safe – Guide

Recently, many WhatsApp accounts have been hacked by spyware and malicious links spread on the internet, some also due to WhatsApp security bug. Although WhatsApp does its best to protect us when we are the ones who install suspicious apps and click on malicious links. There’s a little Whatsapp or WhatsApp Pin can do to protect us. Also, WhatsApp Web makes your WhatsApp account vulnerable to hackers. Support up WhatsApp chats may seem like a very simple process, but keeping chat backups without knowing how things work might not be a good idea.

How to keep WhatsApp conversations safe

WhatsApp chats supported up on Google Drive or Apple iCloud are not safe

Having a strong WhatsApp pin is the only way to stop someone else from using your account

You will be blocked from your WhatsApp account if you use wrong email ID with WhatsApp PIN

You lose E2E encryption if you export WhatsApp conversations

You can transfer WhatsApp conversations to a microSD card or USB flash drive

You can delete all WhatsApp chat backups from your phone or Google Drive

WhatsApp officially does not allow transfer of conversations between Android smartphone and iPhone

Final note

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