How to keep your smartphone safe in subzero temperatures – Guide

You can also put your phone inside your coat pocket, where your body heat will help keep you warm. If you work outdoors in the winter, consider investing in a phone case to prolong the life of your device. Other trick is to have a portable charger with you. If you know you’re going to be out in the cold, you can turn on yours phone to keep you warm and improve the battery. It’s also worth noting that even if you’re just running a quick task, leaving your phone in the car can impair battery life and functionality. If you are going to be in the cold for a long time, turn off the phone to protect the battery. According to Apple’s website, phones should be stored between 32 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit. The company also reports that using devices in highly hot environments will permanently reduce battery life. Temperature can really affect how phones works. If the phone gets too hot or cold, it may vibrate to help regulate its temperature. Many smartphones rely on lithium-ion batteries, which are easily affected by the cold. The science behind these types of batteries shows that as temperatures drop, a battery’s internal resistance increases, according to Science. In simpler terms, this means your battery has to work harder to maintain its phone up and running. So you can see that your phone it’s moving slowly and the visuals aren’t as sharp as usual. In some cases, your phone’s battery may suddenly drop or turn off completely – even if the charge is almost full. Fortunately, any temperature-related glitches usually go away when your phone returns to a stable environment. Sometimes it just means your phone need to go back to a warmer environment, but on some models But if you’re going to be out in the cold for an extended period of time, you might want to turn yours off. phone to protect the battery. Any temperature related faults will usually go away when your phone returns to a stable environment. You can also move your phone in the inside jacket pocket, where body heat can help keep the device warm. If you work outdoors in the winter, you can invest in a phone Insulated case to protect the longevity of your device. Another trick is to bring a portable charger. You can connect your phone to keep you warm and to boost the battery if you know you’re going to be out in the cold. It’s also important to note that even if you’re doing a quick task, it’s best not to let your phone in the car as this can affect battery life and functionality.

Final note

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