It’s a game about selecting the precise timing to employ each player’s special abilities and coordinating them in concert to set up catastrophic chain reaction combos. It’s challenging, yes, but this demonic interpretation of the American frontier, where hideous locomotives warp to alternative universes and blood rituals summon the wandering dead, equips you with the essential creative tools to stand your ground, and taking on the challenge is incredibly rewarding. We mentioned below are the steps to kill all enemies in first round on Hard West 2.

Steps to kill all enemies in first round on Hard West 2

To complete this task in Hard West 2’s Fooling the Hangman quest, you must defeat each of the nine opponents in the opening exchange of fire. Although there are many methods to do this:

Final Words

When Hard West first came out, it stunned many turn-based strategy fans with a turn-based game in the Weird West/XCom style. The name “Weird West” is mainly used in novels for tabletop role-playing games. It blends native American magic and culture with occultism and western cowboy clichés. Imagine it as a fantastical take on cowboys. Before games like Hard West and Weird West started to appear, this genre had been long ignored by the gaming industry. These games gave the genre a permanent place on the gaming stage. We hope our article on “How to kill all enemies in first round on Hard West 2” will surely help you to do so.

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