Guide: How to know if One Should Avoid A Particular Blog Post Idea

Sometimes you run out of ideas for blog posts. Don’t beat yourself up up however over it; it’s a common sight, affecting even the most seasoned bloggers. It happens for a number of reasons. You may have bent under the pressure that you should update your blog regularly. Maybe you got bored with the usual topics you write about, or maybe you really are nothing worth writing at the moment It could also be because of the writer’s block. We’ve written about that several times, with suggestions and ideas about it how to pull yourself out of the bottomless pit of despair that arises from not being able to put any thought on paper and keep writing. But then again, there are times when it’s better not to write anything at all than to force yourself to write a message, especially when …

1. Your headline looks like a dozen others

Imagine that you are a reader who wants to know how to write a blog post. Of course you enter the correct keyword combination in the Google search bar. A few milliseconds later, Google returns ten results on the first page, all of which have a variation on the headline ‘How to Write a blog post ”. Given your busy schedule, are you really going to take the time to click through all 10? Of course not. You click only on the first few links or click the link with the most prominent heading, such as “The Only.” Guide You will ever have to whip Up a Killer Blog Post ”.

2. Your headline promises too much, but your message delivers too little

But then again if you have a title like “The Only Guide You will need whipping someday Up a Killer Blog Post, ”it is better to keep your readers from looking elsewhere. Otherwise, you will gain a reputation for writing “clickbait” articles. Clicks are good and all, but you shouldn’t make that the sole focus of your SEO strategy. You still can write eye-catching headlinesas long as they accurately describe what readers can expect from your post

3. Your message feels more like a book summary

Sometimes, in an effort to make your blog post as useful as possible, you are too tempted to cram in as much information as possibleUsually, that’s a good sign because it means you really care about your readers. But if the topic you have in mind requires extensive discussion, a single post may not be enough. Chances are it will end up making your readers want more, and not in a good way. In that case, you can write a series of blog posts on your topic or compile those posts into an e-book.

4. Your message is too self-indulgent

Have you ever talked to a man who is so full of himself, you are surprised he can still lift his head off the ground? That’s what readers feel when confronted with self-indulgent blog posts. Unless you’re a celebrity, most people won’t care about posts about what you had for breakfast, what you bought yourself as a treat on your birthday, or your oh-so-amazing ability to keep still after thrusting your toe (although there may be a handful of people interested in the latter… only a handful). Here’s the thing about humans: They won’t be interested in you unless you are interested in the former. That’s why it’s common blogging advice to use ‘you’ to engage readers as this will make them feel more engaged, which in turn makes them look more like you. Of course, it is not completely wrong to use the pronoun ‘I’ in your message. After all, healthy conversations – both online and offline – are a two-way street. It’s okay to tell a story explicitly from your point of view, as long as you can relate that story to your readers.

5. Your treatment of the subject is too superficial

You may have a very unique idea (e.g. ‘Why cockroaches are always the’ missing link ”), or the most compelling writing styles, but without a solid foundation for your points, your mail will still fall flat. If you want your post to be meatier, it doesn’t hurt to do a little more research. Take your time interview experts, dig up articles from scientific journals to reinforce your arguments, or provide your own critical and informed analysis on your topic. Oh, and add some verifiable statistics from reputable organizations, such as news sites and government sites, if needed.

6. You don’t feel like showing off your post

If you are going to write content that the entire (virtual) world can see, you can just as well make sure that it is something you want to share with both acquaintances and strangers. More importantly, you should take pride in having your name attached to this compelling, fun-to-read or insightful and useful piece of work. Otherwise, it doesn’t really make sense to toil about it. And a post worth sharing is one that starts with a well thought out idea, executed with flair and class – something the author will certainly be proud to be associated with.

A friendly reminder

This is not to say that all your posts should be rated 11 out of 10. That’s just unrealistic, especially if you have to maintain a regular blogging schedule on top of a busy life outside of work. But ‘being stuck’ with blog post ideas isn’t an excuse to come up with half-baked work to produce something. And last but not least, you still owe your readers the best content possible at any time.

How to know if One Should Avoid A Particular Blog Post Idea: benefits


Final note

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