Guide: How to Know the Right Topic for writing a Blog

It doesn’t take a super sleuth to figure out that writing isn’t that hard when it’s cracked up to be. However, thinking about what to write is a whole different story. Two factors come into play when choosing the type of writing you will do regularly: what you can do and what do you want to achieve? Are you good at writing compelling stories about fictional characters, or are you the kind of person who finds writing nonfiction almost second nature? Do you want to write to teach, entertain or make money? Regardless of the path you choose, writing will certainly involve certain steps; the first step, the backbone of your work, is research. While it is true that research plays a more critical role in nonfiction writing than fiction writing, it is still important that understand the value of research, especially when it comes to looking for references to base the elements of your story.

Preliminary investigation

This is the part where you collect as much information as possible. If you’re doing preliminary research, you don’t have to spend too much time reading and analyzing studies, articles, books, and even videos. All you have to do is find them and compile them for later. IMAGE: olarte.ollie

Step 1: Identifying the Mystery

The first part of research, of course, is figuring out exactly what you want to write about. You want to consider a topic that you can talk about for hours to days – preferably something you have a passion forMake sure it’s a topic you have a good grasp of, otherwise you’ll be writing fluff-filled pieces, and your readers will certainly notice The best way to find out which topic is right for you is through write down at least 10 of your interestsThen for any interest, write as many subtopics as possible that are strongly related to their parent subject. Once you are done with this, choose the topic with the most subtopics – that’s your golden topic.

Step 2: Picking up the magnifying glass

Now that you know what you want to write about, it’s time to start the actual research! Investigating doesn’t just mean gathering facts. It also means determining precisely how to write your piece to make it both unique and valuableFor example, if you are interested in writing about money, don’t just stick with money as a general topic; go deeper, find a subcategory or a microniche so your book can be laser focused. If the main niche is money, then the microniches (or sub-niches) include personal finance, investments. Why not write about personal finances or investments?

Step 3: Gather the clues

The next part of research is devoted to collecting many related materialsIt is critical that you do proper research, avoid inaccuracies and make sure to hold onto all those little details that could arise up and end up ruining a good book or article. Data collection can range from facts and information related to the topic of your choice to published works discussing topics similar to or tangentially related to yours. Note, however, that this step is similar to making a stew. You just throw everything in the jar without reading or analyzing too hard. All you have to do is browse your resources and find possible referencesRead the titles and subtitles, maybe even the intros conclusion and just throw them in your makeshift database if the material looks like it would fit. Review books similar to the topic you want to write about to decide what kind of material “would fit”. Check out their table of contents to get a general idea of ​​what the book focuses on. make notes and identify what all these books have in common when it comes to content, and also determining which makes each of those books uniqueIf this seems like a lot of work, here are some resources to help you through this phase: Google Scholar – Use Google Scholar if your subject requires academic search results. You will see peer-reviewed studies, books, articles, magazines and the like. Google Search Operators – When using Google, you would do well to get to know its many operators so you can get more specific results. Here’s a post on what you can do with Google Search. YouTube – Videos are also a great resource for helpful material such as how-tos. You may be able to find a new perspective on topics if the way they are presented has changed.

A word about blogs

Don’t jump straight to research using blogs as you might find yourself relying heavily on them. Start looking for relevant blogs if you already have a specific (but not mandatory) overview in mindCheck out Alltop, Blog Catalog and of course Reddit for leads. Find the posts that are closely related to your main topic and determine if they are valuable enough to use as research material. Is the article or post in question shared a lot on social media, what about comments, is it one of their top performing posts? In general, these stats are what you want to see as it usually means people responded positively to them. Separate good feedback from bad feedbackCheck out what the readers had to say in the comments section and learn how to filter the good from the bad. Categorizing these will act as your do’s and don’ts when writing your book or article Keep a copy of anything relevant to your topic, including the link (s) (it’s research, you’ll have to visit your sources a lot), compile them in the same place and make it semi-organized – basically know where to find what in the shortest possible timeWhen you’re done collecting everything there is to read on the topic, organize your inventory by relevance. After this stage it is basically just read and read and read more, before starting the process weave anything that works well together and throw away what notUse the outline you created earlier guide you on what to focus on and what to write. Are you concerned that you will spend too much (or too little time) on research? Don’t worry too much about it. In fact, you can complete your research in just one day and start writing the next day.

Analyze, restructure and write

Analyze everything. Remove the not-so-relevant parts and the bad stuff. Work with what’s left on your table. Then start map all clues like how the private eyes do on TV shows. They take all their newspaper clippings, photos of suspects, maps and other forms of evidence and put it all down on a neat looking sign or wall or table. After removing the non-essentials, imagine final sketch by divide each section with their own heads. Make sure to write down what “worked” for the readers and try to catch the same “lightning” in your own figurative bottle. IMAGE: NetMinder IG Grouping information by relevance will also aid in writing. Once your paragraphs can be relevant and the harmonious flow is established in your structure, writing becomes very easy. YOU already have everything you need based on your preliminary research. You just have to make proper use of it – make them work for you.

Wrap Up

Note that while others prefer to research, read and then write, and then research again, that’s just messy. It takes your thoughts away from your writingBut by researching everything first (read: collecting all the relevant data) and reading everything later (and removing the unwanted parts), you can focus on just your writing. Finally, there are a few other important things to keep in mind during the writing process: Cite your sources correctly. (Aren’t you glad you kept all those links?) Base your conclusions on data from your research, ie things you can defend in the event that questions arise about the validity of your claims. Learn to use common sense and consider both sides of the coin before choosing what to include in your writing. An opinion that is popular is not always correct. Remember: only write the things you can give back up with credible sources. When in doubt, do without. Now, go out and be the Sherlock Holmes of the writers.

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How to Know the Right Topic for writing a Blog: benefits


Final note

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