How to Launch Windows Terminal at Startup in Windows 11 – Guide

Windows 11 comes with Windows Terminal pre-installed by default. This is a new console application from Microsoft that combines multiple command-line based applications into a single environment. Windows Terminal also supports hardware acceleration, custom fonts, a tabbed interface, etc. ). If you want to perform some administrative tasks or for some reason open Windows Terminal when Windows 11 starts, it is possible in Windows 11. With Windows Terminal options, you can always open it at Windows startup. That is, the next time you log into your account, the Windows Terminal app will open automatically.

How to launch windows terminal at boot in windows 11

Configure Windows Terminal to Run at Startup

Open Windows Terminal via WinX Menu

The WinX menu includes a handy Windows Terminal shortcut with which you can open this application. To open Terminal through this menu, right-click the Start button button and select Windows Terminal (Admin). Alternatively, you can press Win + X to bring up up the menu. And yes, that’s how the WinX menu got its name.

Open Windows Terminal with the search tool

Open Windows Terminal from the Start menu

Open Windows Terminal via Run

Open Windows Terminal with a desktop shortcut

Open Windows Terminal with a keyboard shortcut

Open Windows Terminal from the taskbar

Final note

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