How to Leave a Discord Server on Mobile and PC – Guide

Discord servers are a great way to communicate with other members. However, if the server does not live up your expectations, you might want to leave. However, finding the right option is not always intuitive. Joining a Discord server can be a great way to meet people who share your interests. But if the conversation isn’t what you expect, or you just don’t trade with the server for some other reason, you have the option to leave this server. If you leave a Discord server, your name will be removed from the member list and any roles you have on the server will be disabled. You will also no longer receive messages or notifications from the server. The only exception to this is if you own the server, in which case you must transfer ownership of the server before leaving it. However, if you created a server that you want to leave, the process is not the same. The vast majority of servers are private invite-only spaces for groups of friends and communities to keep in touch and spend time together. There are also larger, more open communities that often revolve around specific topics, such as popular games like Minecraft and Fortnite. All conversations are optional, giving people full control over who they interact with and what their experience on Discord is.

How to Leave a Discord server in the desktop app

Leaving a Discord server in the desktop app takes just a few clicks or taps. Here it is how to Knife.

How to Leave a discord server on Mobile Application

You can also log out of a Discord server using the mobile app, and it’s no more complicated than the desktop app.

Final note

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