How to limit Data usage for Specific apps on Android Device – Guide

Mobile apps with their rich functionality offer smartphone users an enjoyable experience. These software are of various types including game apps, photo editors, video editors, social media messengers, educational apps, music players and others. To get the most out of most of these apps, you need to use internet data. If you have a lot of these apps on your device, the cost of purchasing data can quickly add up. up because the software consumes your internet data. One of the most effective ways to resolve this issue is to limit data usage to specific applications. In this post we explain how to prevent an application from using mobile data in Android Eco mode, consider disabling unlimited data usage if it is enabled. After explaining these steps above, we hope we have found a practical solution to your question: “How can I stop an app from using data on Android?”

How to Restrict data usage for specific apps on Android device

The methods depend on some built-in settings and an app that allows you to stop using the internet for a specific app that you think you are consuming up your internet bandwidth.

Limit your data using the built-in option

You can easily manage your internet data on your Android smartphone without any app because your Android comes with the extraordinary feature to restrict your cellular data. let’s know how to use make use of it feature.

Restrict app background data

Likewise, the above that allows you to set the data usage limit will restrict background data in apps. Since you don’t know which app is consuming your data, you can manually restrict background data for each app. so let’s know how to restrict app background data.

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to limit Data usage for Specific apps on Android Device. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.