TikTok, one of the social media sites best known for producing and sharing short videos, has a significant global user base. The software has a lot of fascinating features, special editing effects and simple options for making duet videos. Several TikTok creators also produce YouTube and Instagram videos. To improve their exposure, engagement and views on their videos, these producers can simply link their YouTube channel and Instagram account to their TikTok account.

How to add an Instagram account to TikTok

It is not a very difficult task to add your YouTube channel or your Instagram account to your official TikTok account. You can follow the steps mentioned below: Once you link your Instagram handle, you can share your TikTok videos on Instagram instantly at the time of upload. You just need to click on the Instagram icon below the video. This will also increase your reach and engagement on your posts and videos.

How to add your YouTube channel to TikTok

Final note

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