How to Lock Your Net­flix Profile using a PIN – Guide

Now you can use a PIN to protect your Netflix profile, preventing others from knowing about yours. home screen and personalized experiences. this new feature has been reported as part of the service’s updated parental controls and should prevent young viewers from finding their way to the parent profile where adult content is at their fingertips. But PIN protection can be used even if you don’t have children and simply want to prevent someone else from hacking your account – friends, family, an important person, etc. – messing up your Netflix recommendations and view history. Before this new feature started, it was a trivial matter to switch between profiles, so this extra new step should help prevent people from “accidentally” watching things while using your profile.

How to lock your Netflix profile with a PIN

How to recover a lost Netflix profile PIN

Do you want to change your PIN or – oops! – did you forget your PIN? No problem. Just go back to profile lock setting and enter your account password. Once this is done, you can easily change your Netflix profile PIN.

Final note

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