How to Make a Customized Icon Pack for Android – Guide

We always ask ourselves and others: where do so many icon packs come from? It’s a question with a predefined answer and it’s nothing complex. It’s not rocket science or being a computer engineering or programming student, it’s much easier than all of that. In this way, we’ll see How to create icon packs entirely from scratch. For various reasons, two of which stand out from the rest. The first is that, with all the offer we have available, most of it doesn’t convince us or simply, we have a creative idea that we want to put at the service of all users through an application, although this requires some programming knowledge.


Steps to Create a Custom Icon Pack for Android Using Icon Pack Studio

First, download the Icon Pack Studio app on your device from the link below. Once installed, follow the steps below to create a custom icon pack. For some reason, if the icon pack is not applied correctly, you can apply it manually from the launcher. To do this, instead of clicking Save and Replace, click the Apply button button and press OK twice. Now a notification will appear. up saying, “Your icon pack is ready“. Tap the notification and install the APK file. Once that’s done, depending on which launcher you use, you can apply the installed icon pack.

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to Make a Customized Icon Pack for Android. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.

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