How to make a Full System Backup of Windows 10 PC – Guide

As part of your recovery plan, a full backup should be at the top of your list as it is the best strategy against hardware failures, app and update issues, and malware attacks that can corrupt your files and damage your Windows 10 installation. .If you don’t proactively create full backups, you risk priceless documents, images, and settings you’ve spent many hours setting. up. If you are using Windows 10, you have many different methods to create a backup. However, if you don’t want to use manual methods or third-party tools, you can always create a full backup with the old built-in system image backup tool. A system image is another way of saying “full backup” because it contains a copy of everything on your computer, including installation, settings, applications, and files. Typically, you find this tool more suitable for restoring your entire system after critical hardware or software issues such as hard drive failure or trying to revert to a previous version of Windows 10.

How to Take a Full System Backup of Windows 10 PC

To go back Up Windows 10 using file history

Using file history feature, we can create exact copies of the drives and save them to a separate memory device. Keep in mind that this process will only back up your files and not your Windows OS. In case you want to completely create a complete Windows 10 backup including system files, go to the next section. Also, you will need an additional memory storage device to store the backup. You can use a portable hard drive or flash drive to store the backup.

Create a full Windows 10 backup with backup and restore

You can create a full Windows 10 backup with Backup and Restore feature. With it you can create an exact copy of your hard drive including the operating system. If there are future hardware failures or operating system issues, the full system image can help you get your PC working again with all your personal files intact. Interestingly, Backup and Restore was first released with Windows 7 but is not currently in active development. Same functionality provided with Windows 10 without major changes. With that said, let’s start with the steps.

Final note

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