Guide: How to Make All Pic­tures of Same Size in Microsoft Word

Imagine – you want to insert multiple images in your Word document. Initially, the images are different sizes, but you want them to be the same size in your document. While one can take the help of proper photo editing tools, sometimes one cannot access them. In such situations, you can use Microsoft Word itself to resize all images. There’s no denying that Microsoft Word is great when it comes to text. But if you dive deep into it, you will discover the hidden features also related to other things like photo editing. For example, did you know that you can give your image a perfectly round shape right in Word? Likewise, you can create images of the same size in Word. Let’s see how to do that by using the two methods mentioned below.

Method 1: Using Macros

Sometimes we wish we had one button where pressing it would automatically perform a difficult task. That’s what macros do in Word. Macros automate a particular task that would otherwise require you to perform it repeatedly. You can create a macro by recording the steps you want to perform or by writing a series of instructions. Since we need to resize all images in MS Word, we would take the help of macros. We would make it by writing the code to resize photos. Don’t get confused. Here are the steps in detail: Step 1: Open the Word file in which you want to create all images of the same size. Step 2: Click the first photo in the file to select it. Then click on the View tab at the top.

Step 3: Click on Macros.

Step 4: A bang-up window will open. Type a name in the box below the macro name. You can call it anything. For the sake of understanding, we would call it Resize. Then click Create.

Step 5: A new Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window opens. Select the existing code and delete it.

Step 6: Then copy and paste one of the following codes into the window. Type A: Use the following code if you want to change the height and width in pixels. Replace 500 and 600 with your own values. Sub resize () Dim i As LongWith ActiveDocumentFor i = 1 To .InlineShapes.CountWith .InlineShapes (i) .Height = 500.Width = 600End WithNext iEnd WithEnd Sub Type B: Use this if you want to change the size by inches. Replace 2 with your value. Sub resize () Dim i As LongWith ActiveDocumentFor i = 1 To .InlineShapes.CountWith .InlineShapes (i) .Height = InchesToPoints (2) .Width = InchesToPoints (2) End WithNext iEnd WithEnd Sub Type C.: If you want to scale the images, the following code will help you. Replace 30 and 40 with your preferred values. Sub resize () Dim i As LongWith ActiveDocumentFor i = 1 To .InlineShapes.CountWith .InlineShapes (i) .ScaleHeight = 30.ScaleWidth = 40End WithNext iEnd WithEnd Sub Step 7: Once copied, close the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window by clicking the cross.

Step 8: With the image selected, click Macros again under the View tab.

Step 9: The Macros window opens. Click Run with your macro selected.

As soon as you hit the Run button, you will notice that the size changes for all images.

Method 2: Using the Magic Key

Did you know you can repeat your last action performed on Microsoft Office apps just by pressing one button on your keyboard? That key is the F4 on Windows and the Y key on Mac. Tip Some keyboards require you to click the fn and F4 keys together. Here are the steps for this method: Step 1: Open the Word document containing your images. Step 2: Right-click on the first image and select Size and Position.

Step 3: In the Layout dialog box that opens, click the Size tab. Then uncheck the box next to Lock aspect ratio. Enter the required values ​​for the height and width of images in the given boxes. Click Ok.

Step 4: You will see the size for the selected image change. Now click on other images one by one and press the F4 (or fn + F4 on Windows) or Y key (on macOS) for each. Doing so will repeat the action you did in step 3 – change the height and width of the image. Note: Do not perform any other operation in the meantime.

Size matters

A well-organized document with appropriately sized images looks better than a disorganized one. While the above methods will allow you to accomplish your intended task of resizing all images, we wish there was an easy way. Until we get that, you have to rely on the two methods mentioned above. If you know any other way, we’ll always listen in the comments below. The next up: Do you want to change the theme for Microsoft Office products? Find out how to change the theme and turn off dark mode in Word, Excel and PowerPoint from the given link.

How to Make All Pic­tures of Same Size in Microsoft Word: benefits


Final note

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