How to Make Custom Icons in Windows 10 – Guide

Feeling a little bored with your PC screen? When it comes to Windows, you have a lot of freedom in customization. You can change the background, themes and even program icons. Especially if you’re trying to install a Windows theme, you might want to customize your desktop icons to suit a certain look and feel. There are many icons available on the Internet that you can use for free or purchase. Changing Windows 10 icons is incredibly easy and you can change them again whenever you want. See How to customize icons in Windows 10.

How to make a custom icon in windows 10

Use Adobe Illustrator

Create an icon with Paint 3D

To define up until then

draw the icon

Customize your icon with stickers

Customize your icon with 3D objects

Save the icon design as an image

How to convert a JPEG to an icon in Windows 10

How to add new desktop icons

Final note

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