How to Make Finder Always Search Mac’s Current Folder – Guide

It’s likely that your first Mac interaction started with opening a new Finder window, and it’s also likely that you did something in Finder today. For most people, Finder remains one of the most used and useful macOS features. Notably, Finder is macOS’ default folder management system and has been an integral part of macOS since the beginning of the graphical user interface in 1984. You can easily recognize it by the irreplaceable Happy Mac logo. Finder is also always the first icon in your Dock that cannot be removed. While the Finder’s usefulness is undeniable, it’s precisely because it’s so iconic that it’s slow to change. There are many ways to tweak Finder, but Apple is unlikely to make these changes anytime soon. So we’ll have to take matters into our own hands, starting with how to change the default Documents folder in Finder. Now, when you click the Finder icon in your Dock, a new window called “Recent” will open on your desktop, showing all the files you’ve worked with recently. However, this is not ideal for most people. Some might want to open the desktop folder, or downloads, or even something else entirely. What if you prefer to set folders in Finder as your default folders while changing your daily workflow? The good news is that macOS gives you the option to choose a default folder for your Mac to work with. In fact, it’s very easy to set the Finder to open with a folder of your choice at any time.

How to make Finder always search the current folder on your Mac

Final note

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