This enables functions like file sharing and printing to operate automatically. Sadly, the only way to accomplish this is to include hundreds of utilities, ensuring that everyone can find what they require. Fortunately, open source operating systems give you the power and freedom to do what you see fit. This means you can disable or remove anything you don’t need. The first option, disabling services, is explored here. If you disable components instead of removing them, you are less likely to break something permanently.

Ways to Make Linux Boot Faster

Take away the timeout

You might have noticed that there is a brief countdown from three to zero every time you boot. To make sure that older hardware loaded modules in time for the kernel to boot, this feature was initially introduced. Modern systems do not require this; to remove it, open /boot/grub/menu.lst in a text editor with root rights and look for the line indicating

Improve hard disk performance

If you have a DMA-compatible (Direct Memory Access) hard disk, you can increase data throughput by three times with a simple optimization. This will improve boot times by shortening read times, and increase overall performance every time you access the disk. First, install hdparm via your package manager, then start a root terminal and type: hdparm -d1 /dev/hda1

Run boot processes in parallel

Parallelization can lead to big performance gains, since running two processes simultaneously takes half the time than if they were run sequentially (at least in theory). You can take advantage of this technique in Grub by running /etc/init.d/rc in a text editor with root privileges and finding the following line: CONCURRENCY=none

Improve memory

Specifying the use of swap space is a fantastic approach to boost performance. The Linux kernel stores data in virtual memory on a swap partition so that it can be quickly transferred into RAM when necessary. Although a dedicated partition is not required, if you choose to hibernate, the space is also used to store your machine state.

Final Words

We hope like our article on  how to Make Linux Boot Faster. Reducing a system’s boot wait times and learning more about how specific system files and scripts interact with one another can both be accomplished through optimizing boot speed. For time-sensitive applications, it is essential to boot an embedded device or piece of telecom equipment quickly. This also significantly enhances the user experience.

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