On the platform, you might want to protect your privacy and security. You must therefore be aware how to make facebook pictures private. Your images are protected from prying eyes because only your friends (or you) can see them. We have mentioned the steps below to Make photos private on Facebook🇧🇷

Steps to make photos private on Facebook

On Mobile

in the browser

Final Words

So here we conclude our article on how to Make photos private on Facebook. While you can control which of your Facebook albums only you can view, you cannot hide your profile picture or cover photo because Facebook always makes these images publicly available. Also, albums that you uploaded using your mobile device or a third-party app usually requires you to change the privacy settings for each individual photo, but albums produced using the Facebook website allow you to change the private option for the entire album.

How to Make Photos Private on Facebook - 71How to Make Photos Private on Facebook - 33How to Make Photos Private on Facebook - 15How to Make Photos Private on Facebook - 47