How to make TikTok 6-minute videos on iPhone and Android – Guide

TikTok videos could only be 15 seconds long to start with, but the app has steadily increased the maximum upload duration over time. TikTokers can now record and share up to three minutes of footage by default, but if so, how are some users doubling that length? Android and iPhone (iOS) owners are seeing more and more 6-minute TikTok videos on the popular app. So, here is the necessary information about creating TikToks that are six minutes long.

TikTok: How do people make 6-minute TikToks? (2021)

6-minute TikTok videos are available to select users as part of a very limited release, all signs suggest. The vast majority of TikTokers can still only upload videos that are three minutes long :updated. Apparently, TikTok is experimenting with doubling its maximum upload duration to six minutes. Videos of this length are being cut up in the social media app and causing some confusion among the user base. As TikTok has already increased the maximum upload time in the past, it’s not too surprising that it’s now experimenting with 6-minute videos – especially considering the app’s continued success. It’s very common to see social media brands launching new ones features slowly to select users over time, before eventually going public. A notable example is Twitter doubling its character limit; originally, Twitter would limit tweets to 140 characters, before doubling the limit to 280. Instead of instantly raising the limit for everyone, the app would gradually implement the change and track user responses over time. If TikTok is taking user sentiment into account, it’s possible that 6-minute TikTok videos will never be released to the public. Part of the app’s appeal is jumping between several short videos rather than engaging with longer format content. If most users don’t like the change as it becomes more pervasive, TikTok can experiment.

Final note

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