How to make WhatsApp messages disappear – Guide

WhatsApp, the popular messaging software, revealed on Monday that it is expanding its control over disappearing messages. For all new chats, you can now enable messages to disappear by default and you can determine how long messages will disappear. By enabling the feature, any one-on-one chats initiated by you or someone else will be set to expire after the specified period: 24 hours, seven days, or 90 days. When creating a group chat, the app now has the option to enable messages to disappear. According to WhatsApp, which is owned by the parent company of Facebook Meta, the functionality is optional and does not change or destroy any of your current communications. When you enable message disappearing, however, WhatsApp will display a warning in your chats informing users that this is the default option you have chosen. Here it is how to all new individual chats have missing messages enabled by default.

How to enable or disable disappearing messages

You can send disappearing messages on WhatsApp by enabling disappearing messages. You can choose to make messages disappear after 24 hours, 7 days, or 90 days. Once activated, new messages sent in chat will disappear after the selected duration. The most recent selection controls new messages in the chat. Messages sent or received before missing messages are enabled will not be affected. Open WhatsApp to get started.

Enable disappearing messages

Any user can enable messages to disappear in an individual chat. Once activated, new chat messages will disappear after the selected duration.

Disable messages that disappear

Any user can disable messages that disappear at any time. Once deactivated, new messages sent in chat will no longer disappear.

Final note

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