How to Make Windows 11 Look exactly Like Windows 10 – Guide

You’ve upgraded to Windows 11 or performed a clean install of Windows 11 for better or worse, but that doesn’t mean you have to accept them all. features of the new user interface. Maybe you despise the new Start menu as much as I do because it provides fewer icons while up more space. Maybe you’re annoyed that the right-click menus only show about seven alternatives at a time – not always the best seven – and force you to click “Show more options” to see them all. Or maybe you just want the Windows Explorer ribbon back. The good news is, with a combination of registry tweaks, third-party apps, and a few different artworks, you can get a lot of what Windows 10 looks like on Windows 11. The bad news is, Microsoft doesn’t seem to want you to come back to a previous UI so that it can disable any registry hacks you use in future updates. Below, we’ll describe a number of tweaks for different parts of the UI, and you can use one, several, or all of them to get the look you want. The Windows 11 Start menu is a crime against productivity. It’s at least 100 pixels taller than Windows 10, but contains fewer icons and forces you to click “All apps” button for an alphabetical scrolling list of your programs. We have a more detailed tutorial about how to replace the Windows 11 Start menu, but your main choices are as follows: your beginning button, which looks like a shell, unless you load a custom one, will cover Windows 11 button, and it will work.

Final note

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