How to Manage Android App Permissions – Guide

Whenever you install an app on your Android device, it may request access to different parts of the system, such as drawing in other apps, saving photos to your Camera Scroll, viewing your contact list and more. While some of this means something like, say, a messaging app asking to see your contacts, others can be more approachable and invade your privacy or security. After all, the wallpaper app is not needed to make calls. we show you how to manage and change the permissions granted to apps on your Android smartphone or tablet.

How to Access permission settings

There are three ways to navigate to the permissions manager. The first option is to access advanced settings under Apps & notifications.

Access permissions settings by viewing all apps

Another method is to go to the all apps page in the settings.

Access permissions settings through privacy settings

Finally, the fastest way is to access your privacy settings.

How to View special app access

Android also has special app access settings. You rarely need to play around with them, and some are available in an app’s settings. These include Touch & Pay (mobile payments) and Unrestricted Data.

How to Limit Google activity tracking

Google tracks many of your activities, some of it to provide you with better service or suggestions based on places you’ve visited, websites you’ve browsed, YouTube videos you’ve watched, and personalized ads. It’s easy to limit or disable these permissions if you prefer.

Final note

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