How to Manage iCloud Efficiently on Mac – Guide

As many long-time Mac users can attest, one of the most drastic changes in Mac OS X in recent times has been the introduction of iCloud and its incorporation into several core functions of some native Mac applications. Now, while the inclusion of iCloud on Mac OS X comes with some pros and cons, the ability to keep things in sync in real time can definitely be a lifesaver. This time, however, we will share with you some cool tips from iCloud tips so you can get the most out of it or get rid of it in some scenarios, if you wish. Here it is.

1. Change the default location to save in iCloud TextEdit for your Mac

TextEdit on the Mac is a very good little application that can do a lot more than Mac users normally believe. However, while before iCloud this application used to behave like any other when saving your documents, once iCloud arrived, it became the default place to save files created with TextEdit.

If you are one of those old-fashioned users who, like me, prefer to just keep your documents on your Mac by default, then all you need to do is open the Terminal application and enter this command: write patterns NSGlobalDomain NSDocumentSaveNewDocumentsToCloud -bool false Now, whenever you save a document for the first time in TextEdit, you will be presented with the option to save it on your Mac by default.

And if you want to revert this option back to iCloud as your default save location for TextEdit documents, just use the same Terminal command shown above, but replace the word “false” with “true”.

2. Have all your notes synced to iCloud across all your devices

Honestly speaking (writing?), Although I am quite adept at storing my contacts, calendar events and other important information on my Mac, I was never a big fan of using notepad on it. This was mainly because I usually need my notes when I’m on the road, so having them stuck on my Mac just wasn’t ideal for me. However, all of that has changed with iCloud, and syncing notes between your Mac (or Macs) and any of your iOS devices is simply painless thanks to it after you set it up up. To do this, on your Mac open the Preferences panel and click on iCloud. There, log in with your Apple ID and make sure to check the Notes app (as shown below) to sync via iCloud

Then, on your iPhone, go to Settings and tap iCloud. There, look for Notes and make sure iCloud is turned on.

And don’t forget: your iPhone’s iCloud ID must be the same as your Mac’s for this to work.

3. Make iCloud a Dropbox

Although for many of us iCloud is ok as it is now, there is some truth in the fact that it is very restricted due to Apple’s policies. If you think the same way, don’t fear, there are a few ways you can make the most of iCloud in non-traditional ways by turning it into a Dropbox service, either on your own or using a third party app. Do you trust iCloud a lot? How does it work for you? Let us know about it (and also if you find the tips above useful) in the comments below.

Final note

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