How to Manage RAM usage on Mac­Book – Guide

Is your Mac painfully slow? Did an application crash? Did you see the message “Your system no longer has application memory” or the dreaded spinning beach ball? All of these can be signs that your memory, or RAM, is being used to the maximum. Read on to find out how to clean your Mac’s RAM and several tips to help you clean up or optimize your Mac’s memory, including what to do if your Mac’s RAM is always full.

Quick fix: memory cleaning 2

My MacBook Air, previously almost consistently silent, now has the fan spinning, even when I only have the browser window and Messages open. Upon inspecting what the cause might be, I found that, at any given moment, I only had 100 MB to 500 MB of RAM available. I looked for an easy solution and found one on the Mac App Store: Memory Clean 2. Memory Clean sounds exactly like what it does, it cleans your memory. You will not lose any data or anything like that. The application shows an analysis of how your Mac is using up RAM and how much is available. With the click of a button, Memory Clean looks for areas behind the scenes where you can free up memory and does just that. The application is free and, on average, I can clean from 100 MB to 300 MB every time I use it. You can always keep cleaning Clean after each cycle until it releases up the desired amount, although with each click the amount he can clean is less. I also recommend the $ 4.99 paid upgrade to “Extreme Clean”, which tends to clean 400 MB to 700 MB for me. It takes a few more seconds to work, but after a try, I can already hear my MacBook fan slowing down. The only downside is that when you start doing other things on your Mac again, your RAM usage goes back up.

Detailed correction: Activity monitor

If you want to do the job yourself and make some more permanent changes to your RAM usage, use Activity Monitor. This is an application that comes with macOS and allows you to monitor CPU usage, battery life and memory, among other things. Open Activity Monitor and click on the Memory tab. At the top of the list, click on Memory to sort processes by memory usage and make sure that the ones that use the most are at the top. If you recognize the process or application that monopolizes your RAM, click on the information icon and click Exit to discard it and release up that memory. Note that this will close the application. There are probably many processes running here that you don’t recognize. It is best to leave them alone, as they can be essential for your Mac.

Final note

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