The BSOD error is frequently shown when your system is unable to fix a kernel-level error and is typically brought on by a variety of factors, including bad drivers, corrupted Windows registries, incorrectly configured device drivers, corrupted files, out-of-date drivers, and hardware problems with your desktop computer. Your system will need to be rebooted after experiencing a BSOD before it can continue to function. We mentioned below are the steps to Manually Cause BSOD in Windows.

Steps to Manually Cause BSOD in Windows

Final Words

You may manually trigger the BSOD blue screen on a Windows desktop or laptop if necessary without endangering the system in any manner. Although we generally prefer our all in one computers to run smoothly, there are a few rare occasions when we genuinely want the system to enter a blue screen of death (BSOD). Never fear if you find yourself in this circumstance; Windows 10 has a simple method for manually inducing a BSOD. We hope our article on “How to Manually Cause BSOD in Windows” will surely help you to do so.

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