How to Mea­sure Area/Dis­tance in Google Maps – Guide

When you want to measure the area of ​​your garden or the length of the lake near your property, we usually use traditional meters. However, to make your life easier, Google has recently introduced the function of measuring the area or perimeter of a terrain with the Google Maps application. You don’t need any tools to measure distance or terrain area; you only need your Android / iPhone with Google Map. This workaround can also be used with your desktop by opening Google Maps in your desktop browser. The same function also works with the Google Earth app, and you can measure the distance between continents, countries or the length of your local road, amazing!

Below are steps to measure area and distance on Google Maps

measuring distance

measuring an area

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to Mea­sure Area/Dis­tance in Google Maps. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.

How to Mea sure Area Dis tance in Google Maps  2022  - 1How to Mea sure Area Dis tance in Google Maps  2022  - 71How to Mea sure Area Dis tance in Google Maps  2022  - 50How to Mea sure Area Dis tance in Google Maps  2022  - 72