How to move photos from Google Photos to OneDrive or Flickr – Guide

Flickr is a famous photo sharing service where you can up photos and videos. It provides 1TB of free storage space to store photos and videos. Flickr free account user has a limit for uploading photos and videos, ie 200MB per photo and 1GB per video. The advantage of Flickr is that it allows you to make friends and join groups. OneDrive is a cloud storage service where you can back up up photos, videos and documents. It offers 7GB of free storage space to store photos, videos and documents which is less than Flickr. OneDrive does not allow you to create groups. Learn how to transfer photos from OneDrive to Flickr, check out the steps below.

Google Takeout allows downloading and syncing

To enable Google Photos backup on mobile, just go to the app options (it comes standard on most Androids) and enable backup, preferably unlimited (not using Drive space). In this way, it is possible to get a backup of one of the vital elements on any smartphone: the gallery. And it doesn’t matter how many images and videos are stored, as if we let Google manage the compression, we won’t have to worry about space. While Google Photos is really good as a reel backup, you might have considered switching that clouds to OneDrive or Flickr. You might even want a second backup, for what might happen. So how do you move all the images and videos from Google Photos to Microsoft OneDrive or Flicker? Let’s see the process.

Final note

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