How to Open Full Play Store on your Google TV – Guide

Google TV is a new user interface for Android TV powered by Google Machine Learning. In fact, it’s not a TV, but a modified version of any Android TV. Google has a habit of releasing few features, but are often difficult to detect. But once you know the steps, you can easily use these features. In this article, we share how to Access the full Play Store on Google TV. One of Google’s unconventional features is the Play Store. However, the difficulty associated with this feature is that it cannot be opened directly. On the other hand, Google Assistant makes it easy to use all features. The problem usually starts when you need to search for the specific app without using your voice. We are here to simplify the process for you. After using the app once or twice, you will access it quickly and within minutes.

How to Open the full Play Store on your Google TV

How to ask Google Assistant to launch the Play Store on Google TV

How to Use Google TV settings to access the Play Store

Final note

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