If your computer is connected to the Internet, you can view the network status and quickly learn how the network works. Windows Task Manager provides information about your computer’s performance and displays detailed information about the programs and processes that are running on your computer, including name of running processes, CPU load, commit load, I/O details, Connected Users and Windows Services. With each new version of Windows, Microsoft makes improvements to the task manager, sometimes quite radically. We have mentioned below steps to open Task Manager in Windows 11.

Ways to open Task Manager in Windows 11

Via the WinX menu

In Windows 11, the taskbar right-click menu has been eliminated. The WinX menu, however, is still present. When you right-click Start in Windows 11, the WinX menu will appear and you can choose Task Manager to launch the program.

Via the Task Manager shortcut

The Task Manager hotkeys can also be used to launch it. The shortcut for Task Manager in Windows 11 is Ctrl+Shift+Esc. These three keys can be pressed simultaneously to launch Task Manager in Windows 11.

On a Windows computer, you can use Windows search to search for files, directories, web pages, installed programs and much more. On Windows 11, you can use it to search for Task Manager and launch it. In Windows 11, the Windows search icon is larger. It’s close to the beginning button. On Windows 11, click this to bring up Windows search, put “task manager” in the Search for Cashierand then choose the main result (Task Manager), which launches Task Manager immediately.

Via File Explorer

Final Words

We hope you like our article about how to Open Task Manager in Windows 11. Task Manager is a fantastic tool for controlling how programs, processes and services operate on your Windows computer. Knowing how to opening Task Manager is a prerequisite for using it. Whether you use Windows 11 or not, we show you many operation methods in this article.

How to Open Task Manager on Windows 11 - 64How to Open Task Manager on Windows 11 - 97How to Open Task Manager on Windows 11 - 62How to Open Task Manager on Windows 11 - 42