Guide: How To Permanently Delete Messages on Android

If you have held the same phone It may take a while for you to notice that your messaging app is starting to slow down or is taking a long time to load. It may not seem like it, but text messages can take up a lot of storage up in your room as soon as they start adding up. Older phones even required text messages to be regularly deleted due to lack of storage, but the rise of smartphones has made storage an afterthought especially when it comes to text messages. There are plenty of reasons to hang on to old text messages, but for some of us, it may be time to let go of the past. Deleting your messages on Android isn’t difficult, but it can be unclear how to delete any message on your phone all at once without factory resetting the device. We’ll cover each method below, from deleting threads to clearing entire libraries of messages on Android. These methods may differ depending on your make and model phone, as well as the version of the software you are using. To keep it simple, we use the standard Android Messages SMS app created by Google for Android; it is available for free here on Google Play. If you’re using a different text messaging app, be it Samsung’s default text messaging app, Verizon’s Messages, Textra, or any other app available on the Play Store, you should check your app’s settings to find similar solutions. or you’ll just want to switch to Android Messages tutorial. With all that said, let’s get started.

Delete individual messages

We’ll start with the smallest and easiest way to delete texts: deleting individual posts from a thread. Whether a friend has sent you confidential information or you just don’t want a specific message to appear up In a thread, removing individual messages from a conversation can make it easy to scroll through your messages while taking care not to reveal someone else’s private information – or your own. Start opening up the message thread with texts you want to delete. Scroll through the message until you find the text you want to delete, whether it is a sent or received message. Now tap and hold on the text you want to delete, and the message will mark itself. An action bar will appear at the top of the screen and tapping the trash can icon in the top right corner of the screen will clear the message.

Unfortunately, Android Messages does not allow multiple messages to be deleted at the same time this way, although it is possible to select multiple messages in a thread for deletion in other text messaging apps, including Textra (shown below).

Delete messaging threads

Of course, when it comes to deleting entire conversations, it would take hours, if not longer, to delete messages one by one depending on how many texts are on your phone. Deleting old, unused threads (think old group messages and other unimportant or outdated conversations) is a great middle ground between deleting every message on your phone, and don’t delete anything. It helps keep your text messaging app clean and free from non-important threads, while at the same time preserving the messages you have received from close friends or family members.

To delete a thread, touch and hold the thread you want to delete from the main messages menu. A check mark will appear above the photo icon for your SMS thread and another action bar will appear at the top of the screen. When you use Android Messages, you actually have options for erasing messages: archive, which doesn’t erase the messages completely but hides them from your main message screen, and deletion, which erases the messages from your device.

Unlike individual messages, Android Messages allows the selection of multiple threads that can be both deleted and archived. Once you’ve tapped and held on a single thread as described above, just tap on other threads (no hold required) to delete them as well. The same check mark will highlight the additional thread and you can delete or archive your threads.

Limit your messages and delete them automatically

If you have any message on your phoneeven selecting and deleting message threads one by one may be too much work for some users depending on the number of messages in their phone. Instead, we delete every message from you phone in one go – which unfortunately Android Messages cannot. So for now, we’ll shift our focus from Google’s messaging app to Textra, one of our favorite third-party applications. In appearance, Textra has much the same layout and design as Android Messages, with two main advantages: full and total customization and additional options and settings not offered through the Android Messages app. So once you install Textra from the Google Play Store, you fire up the app, let it complete the optimization and dive into the settings by clicking on that three-dot menu button in the top right corner of your screen.

Once you’ve opened the settings menu, scroll all the way down the options and find the “More stuff” category. Here we find the easiest way to delete your text messages. Select ‘Messages to keep’, fourth at the bottom of the list, and you will receive a pop-upup notification that allows you to adjust how many messages are displayed per conversation. Here you can set the limits for your SMS and media messages to the lowest applicable numbers: 25 and 2 respectively. This will delete all messages from the most recent 25 SMS messages per conversation, and all but the most recent 2 media messages per conversation, reducing the number of messages arriving in your phone and keep your conversations private. After you have selected the songs you want, you can tap “Okay” to close the menu, and your phone does the rest.

Unfortunately there is no ‘Delete all messages’ button on your phone to erase everything without your entire phone’s memory through a factory reset. None of the options listed above are perfect; Deleting individual messages takes way too much time, deleting message threads is a bit cumbersome, and limiting the number of messages will help in the future, but won’t delete every message you’ve sent or received so far. That is precisely why we recommend setting a message limit in Textra and deleting conversations and threads if you see fit; if you use both, you can’t just use your phone of messages clean in one fell swoop, but your phone of building up another huge message cache. The other message deletion problem stems from the multitude of texting apps and selection on Android. While having more choice is always a good thing, choosing one messaging app from the dozens of available apps can be quite difficult, and each app has its own methods of saving, saving, and deleting messages and threads. We’ve done our best to treat messaging apps as we saw fittingly above, but if you’re not willing to switch to Android Messages or Textra, these steps may not help you in the long run. If you need help with a specific texting app, let us know in the comments below!

How To Permanently Delete Messages on Android: benefits


Final note

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