How to Permanently Delete WhatsApp Account – Guide

If you are planning to switch to another messaging app for privacy reasons, then you must be wondering How to delete your WhatsApp account and collect all the data. Don’t worry, we’ll take care of you. To delete your WhatsApp account and collect all data, you just need to follow a few steps. For data collection, you may need to wait a few days, as the company takes a long time to send the report. You can also export all chats and media manually. Read on to know more about it.

What happens when you delete WhatsApp?

Before deleting your WhatsApp account, please note that deleting your WhatsApp account will do the following: If that sounds too scary, you can temporarily disable your account. Anyway, doing a backup first is a good idea.

How to To go back Up Your WhatsApp data

Before deleting your account, you will want to go back up your data first. Follow the steps below for Android and iOS to go back up your WhatsApp account.

iOS/iPhone Backup

You can automatically backup WhatsApp using iCloud by doing the following: To go back up from within WhatsApp:

Android Backup

You can come back up WhatsApp on an Android device using Google Drive by following these steps:

How to Deactivate WhatsApp instead of deleting your account

If you lose your cell phone phone or is stolen, you have the option to deactivate your account until you set it up in a new phone. To deactivate your account, send an email to WhatsApp and use the phrase “Lost/Stolen: Please deactivate my account” in the body of the email. include your phone number in full international format, which is described here.

How to delete whatsapp

Okay, so you declared ‘I want to delete my WhatsApp account!’ Let’s start. Follow the steps below to completely remove your WhatsApp account from the servers and all related data.


To permanently delete your WhatsApp account on iOS, follow these steps:

android Phone

on an android phone, the process is the same, although the screens may look different. Follow the steps below:

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to Permanently Delete WhatsApp Account. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.